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Fab-Tech Blog

Handling Corrosive Fume Exhaust In Solar Cell Manufacturing

Posted by Mike Baranski on Aug 2, 2017 8:35:42 AM

Emerging Solar Cell Manufacturing Process Meets Tried-and-True Fume Exhaust Solution 

Recent innovations in photovoltaic technology have allowed solar cells to be manufactured using thousands of tiny silicon beads bonded in an aluminum foil. The resulting product is a flexible PV material that is lightweight, pliable and break-resistant, which can be formed into a variety of shapes and sizes. This opens the door to a broad range of industrial, commercial and residential applications.

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Topics: Solar Cell Manufacturing, fume exhaust

Identifying Areas For Wastewater Odor Control

Posted by Mike Baranski on Aug 1, 2017 11:57:47 AM

3 Areas Where Odor Control EXHAUST DUCT Can Improve Your Services

Wastewater treatment plants around the world use various processes to treat wastewater from homes and businesses. Recently, odor control has become an increasingly pertinent issue for WWTP owners, architects, engineers and design-build companies. As population densities increase and residential zones expand around wastewater treatment facilities, public tolerance for foul odor seems to decrease proportionately.

This article targets three stages of the wastewater treatment process where PSP® odor control vent duct can be applied to help alleviate public outcry and improve general air-quality.

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Topics: wastewater treatment technologies, lift station, headworks, grit chamber, wastewater treatment plant odor control

DC Blue Plains' Impressive Biosolids Management Program

Posted by Mike Baranski on Jul 31, 2017 1:21:15 PM

PSP® Plays Role in Biosolids Management Project At World's Largest WWTP

Fab-Tech, Inc. has partnered with some of the most advanced wastewater treatment facilities in America, and PSP® fume exhaust duct has emerged as the clear choice for some of the largest and most cutting-edge-technology operations where odor control management systems are utilized. Among these, the District of Columbia's Blue Plains wastewater treatment facility is using Fab-Tech’s PSP® duct to play a critical role in the process of converting sewage into power and fertilizer.

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Topics: biosolids management, wastewater treatment plant odor control

Wastewater Treatment Odor Control Technology: Wet Scrubber Systems

Posted by Mike Baranski on Jul 5, 2017 8:10:41 PM

Indispensable Wastewater Odor Control Technology

This article introduces the basics of how wet scrubber systems support wastewater treatment odor control, and offers a look at the best and most reliable method for directing odorous fumes to the scrubber systems.

While many of today’s wastewater treatment plants still utilize the same processes from generations ago, others have begun diversifying their water treatment technologies in an effort to improve not only water quality, but air quality as well.

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Topics: wet scrubber systems, wastewater treatment plant odor control

Why This SUNY Nanotech Lab Installed PSP® Fume Exhaust Duct

Posted by Mike Baranski on Jun 22, 2017 10:07:33 AM

PSP® Fume Exhaust Duct Provides Solution For Renowned SUNY Nanotech complex

Nanotechnology is not only a rapidly advancing field of study, but a broadening commercial opportunity as well. The ability to observe and manipulate materials at nanoscale, literally at the atomic level, is opening up whole new fields of science and engineering.

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Topics: fume exhaust duct, research lab safety, semiconductor manufacturing

Revolutionary Wastewater Odor Control Systems Set New Standards

Posted by Mike Baranski on May 4, 2017 2:28:16 PM

Advanced Wastewater Odor Control Systems Are Drawing Public Interest

Economic and population growth in the Seattle, Washington area has driven the need to increase regional wastewater treatment capacity. In the summer of 2000, King County began searching for locations for additional treatment facilities. Over the course of a 3-year public process between 2000 and 2003, more than 65 potential locations were evaluated. 

Because extensive stakeholder consultation and environmental reviews were a part of the siting process, odor control from the proposed facility became an important factor in its design. The resulting $1.86B, 36 million gallon per day regional system, known as Brightwater, now serves much of North King County and its wastewater treatment technologies have set far-reaching standards.

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Topics: wastewater treatment technologies, wastewater treatment plant odor control

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