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Fab-Tech Blog

Lab Air Quality In Multi-Use Research Labs

Posted by Mike Baranski on Apr 23, 2018 4:30:33 PM

5 Fundamentals For Dynamic Lab Air Quality Needs

In the face of exponentially changing technology and consumer demands, advanced manufacturing industries are driving research labs and clean rooms to accommodate multiple production flows.

As such, these facilities must contend with a wider spectrum of lab air quality requirements, including increased air supply, dynamic airflow patterns, room pressurization, and high-efficiency air filtration versus that of traditional labs and clean rooms.

Here we'll cover 5 fundamental lab air quality considerations that should be factored into every advanced manufacturing clean room or research lab design.

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Topics: lab design, research lab, lab air

PSP® Fume Exhaust Duct Hot Tap Installation: Part 2

Posted by Mike Baranski on Apr 4, 2018 4:19:00 PM

Hot Tap Installation Using a Pressurized Glove Box

We all know that change is the only constant. Therefore, it stands to reason that process systems should be designed with adaptability and the eventuality of change in mind. As process intensive facilities grow, there usually comes a time when air-handling and fume exhaust systems need to be expanded or adapted to meet operational demands.

Fortunately, hot tapping with PSP® is a versatile solution that allows users to retro-fit new PSP® components to a variety of host duct systems without costly, time consuming, or disruptive shutdowns to the system.

This instructional demonstrates the relative ease and simplicity with which a hot tap installation can be performed with a zero-leak glove box on PSP® fume exhaust duct.

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Topics: fume exhaust duct, hot tap installation

PSP® Fume Exhaust Duct Hot Tap Installation: Part 1

Posted by Mike Baranski on Apr 4, 2018 4:18:00 PM

Hot Tap Installation Without A Pressurized Glove Box

As process systems and facilities grow, there usually comes a time when new fume exhaust components need to be added to existing vent duct configurations.

For most facilities, it can be extremely costly and disruptive to take systems offline in order to make such upgrades. Fortunately, PSP® exhaust duct systems are capable of remaining in-service (hot) while saddle tap installation procedures are performed.

The instructional below focuses specifically on how to perform a hot tap installation on PSP® fume exhaust duct without the use of a glove box. For hot tap installations using a pressurized glove box, please follow this link.

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Topics: vent pipe installation, saddle tap

What's Replacing FRP Duct on Wastewater Odor Control Systems?

Posted by Mike Baranski on Mar 28, 2018 11:40:00 AM

Why WWTP Owners Prefer PSP® Coated Metal Duct On Their Odor Control Systems

Wastewater treatment plants are sites where odorous and hazardous fumes are dealt with on a daily basis. As facilities face an ever growing list of water and air-quality issues with which to contend, advancements in vapor phase odor control technology have been sought to help mitigate many of these challenges and concerns.

This article examines some of the leading reasons why PSP® fluoropolymer coated stainless steel duct stands out as the preferred choice for wastewater odor control systems.

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Topics: wastewater treatment, frp duct, wastewater treatment plant odor control

How Coated Metal Duct Improves Wastewater Odor Control Systems

Posted by Mike Baranski on Mar 16, 2018 10:30:24 AM

10 Benefits of Coated Metal Duct for Wastewater Odor Control Systems

Wastewater odor control systems and vent pipe products not only need to contain foul air but also need to be highly corrosion resistant. For decades, wastewater treatment facility owners (and engineers) have faced a major pain point with plastic and FRP duct systems that degrade and need regular repair or replacement.

Compounding this pain is the fact that many plastic and FRP duct products are highly combustible. In the event of a fire, or gaseous ignition, such systems will likely be rendered useless if not completely destroyed. In short, wastewater facilities with these types of systems face the pain of higher fire insurance premiums; and those that self-insure face catastrophic losses.

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Topics: frp duct, fume exhaust duct, wastewater treatment plant odor control

Lab Safety Goes Beyond the Chemical Fume Hood

Posted by Mike Baranski on Mar 7, 2018 2:43:47 PM

OSHA AND Lab Safety Standard 29 CFR 1910.1450

Research laboratories are vital to the advancement of technology in many industries including semiconductor, pharmaceutical, chemical, fiber optics, and nanotechnology, to name a few.

In the United States alone, more than a half a million people work in laboratory settings and are faced with the potential dangers that come with this line of employment.

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Topics: fume exhaust duct

4 Big Advantages of PermaShield Pipe Over FRP Duct

Posted by Mike Baranski on Feb 15, 2018 8:37:29 AM

4 More Reasons to Use PSP® Coated Metal Duct

It's always nice to discover that little advantage or edge-up which makes our lives easier, safer, cheaper, or more productive. It's even better when that advantage is not so little, and when it improves our lives across all categories!

This article takes aim at four big advantages of PSP® coated stainless steel duct and how it surpasses FRP duct in quality, safety, cost, and convenience.

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Topics: frp duct, wastewater treatment plant odor control

How To Identify True Class 1 Duct

Posted by Mike Baranski on Dec 18, 2017 1:23:04 PM

Not All Class 1 Duct is Created Equal

Building codes and regulations stress lower flame spread and low smoke generation for many materials. The Steiner Tunnel Test (ASTM E-84) is frequently referenced as a method to assess these burn characteristics and is a mandatory test for many commercial building materials.

While such standards and mandatory tests are indeed important, it is also critically important to understand their parameters and tolerances.

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Topics: Permashield Pipe, frp duct

No Flame + No Smoke = Fluoropolymer Coating On Stainless Steel Duct

Posted by Mike Baranski on Dec 5, 2017 11:19:00 AM

Fluoropolymer Coating - Q&A

What is a fluoropolymer? A fluoropolymer is a fluorocarbon-based substance that contains atoms of fluorine. It is characterized by a high resistance to solvents, acids, and bases. Fluoropolymers were discovered by happen-stance in 1938 by Dr. Roy J. Plunkett as he was working on freon (for the DuPont corporation) and accidentally polymerized tetrafluoroethylene.

The result was PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), more commonly known as Teflon. This material was found to have the lowest coefficient of friction of any known solid and was inert to virtually all chemicals known. Its corrosion resistivity (in almost all applications) exceeds that of glass (borosilicate and enameled glass-steel) and exotic alloys such as Hastelloy, Niobium, Tantalum and Titanium.

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Topics: coated stainless steel, fluoropolymer coating

Hidden Costs of FRP Duct

Posted by Mike Baranski on Nov 20, 2017 3:38:18 PM

5 Things You Should Know Before Using FRP Duct

When it comes to installing odor control systems in wastewater treatment facilities, one of the many design considerations to resolve is whether to use fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) or coated stainless steel duct.

Historically, FRP duct has been the more common choice from a cost perspective, but increasingly savvy WWTP owners and engineers are recognizing that there are hidden costs and strict rules and regulations that come with a decision to use FRP materials.

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Topics: frp duct, wastewater treatment plant odor control

Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plants That Trust PSP® Fume Exhaust Duct

Posted by Mike Baranski on Nov 14, 2017 3:05:38 PM

Leading wastewater treatment facilities ARE Using PermaShield Pipe

Many modern wastewater treatment facilities are moving away from traditional fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP duct) and employing PSP® odor control exhaust duct instead. Through informed research, facility owners and engineers are learning that PSP® delivers superior performance, superior labor savings, superior safety, and lower maintenance than FRP duct. 

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Topics: frp duct, fume exhaust duct, wastewater treatment plant odor control

Fab-Tech Positions for Continued Growth and Success

Posted by W. Scott Fine on Nov 9, 2017 9:16:00 AM


Please join me in congratulating Mike Baranski on his promotion to Director of Marketing & Sales for Fab-Tech. Mike will have Fab-Tech’s outside sales team and inside sales operations team reporting to him and will be responsible for growing Fab-Tech’s coated duct business. Mike will continue reporting to me as President of Fab-Tech. 

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Topics: careers

Standards, Chemicals & Coated Stainless Steel vs FRP Duct

Posted by Mike Baranski on Nov 7, 2017 2:24:26 PM

More Reasons To USE Fluoropolymer Coated Stainless Steel Over FRP Duct

When it comes to corrosive fume exhaust systems, process facilities must ensure that their equipment and practices adhere to strict regulatory standards all while remaining as flexible as possible to adapt to future mandates and regulation changes.

In the midst of this balancing act, facility owners and engineers are finding PSP® fluoropolymer coated stainless steel to be a more versatile, affordable, compliant, durable and safe alternative to fiber-glass reinforced plastic (FRP duct).

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Topics: frp duct

Vent Duct Installation: How To Install 4-14 Inch Diameter PSP-EZ Duct

Posted by Mike Baranski on Oct 24, 2017 4:24:34 PM

4" - 14" PSP-EZ Duct Installation

Time is money, and when you're in the midst of a vent duct installation or overhaul, reductions in installation time can have a significant impact on the total cost and ROI of your project.

Fab-Tech's PermaShield Pipe (PSP®) is already known to reduce installation labor by a significant margin, but there's an even faster and easier installation option that's available for those who specify PSP-EZ™ duct. 

When you specify PSP-EZ™ for a system joint, a single fastener and band-style clamp configuration is employed in place of companion angle rings with multiple fasteners. The EZ-Clamp joining mechanism provides safe, reliable joints without sacrificing system flexibility or integrity. 

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Topics: PSP-EZ duct installation

Can You Join PSP® To FRP Duct?

Posted by Mike Baranski on Oct 19, 2017 2:21:47 PM

How To Join Psp® To DisSimilar Materials Like FRP Duct

There are many process facilities that require specialty exhaust duct systems to handle their process fume exhaust. Where a facility is expanding or a section of vent duct needs to be replaced, it is often the case that customers would like to upgrade to FabTech's PSP® to replace weathered and corroded components in their non-PermaShield system.

To put to rest any notion that this presents some kind of engineering challenge, this brief article demonstrates the ease and compatibility with which PermaShield Pipe can be connected to dissimilar materials like FRP duct.

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Topics: frp duct, fume exhaust duct

Major Catalysts for Wastewater Treatment Plant Odor Control

Posted by Mike Baranski on Sep 28, 2017 10:03:11 AM

Urban Growth Projections and wastewater Treatment Odor Control Implications

Over the next 6 years, the global market for wastewater treatment equipment and chemical products is expected to grow by more than 138 billion dollars (1). This enormous increase in spending will be driven by shrinking clean water supplies, increasing demand, growing population densities, and the growth of industrial applications beyond current water treatment capacities. 

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Topics: wastewater odor control, wastewater treatment plant odor control

How DC Blue Plains Is Handling Wastewater Odor Control

Posted by Mike Baranski on Sep 19, 2017 12:27:37 PM

PSP® Vent Pipe USed In Multiple Wastewater Odor Control Areas at DC Blue Plains

The DC Water and Sewer Authority (Blue Plains) is the largest wastewater treatment facility in the world. DC Water utilizes some of the most advanced treatment systems available to provide water and wastewater treatment services to more than 600,000 local residents, another 1.6 million people from neighboring Maryland and Virginia, 17.8 million annual visitors and 700,000 people that work in the DC area. 

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Topics: vent pipe, biosolids management, wastewater treatment plant odor control

Comparing 3 Vapor-Phase Wastewater Odor Control Technologies

Posted by Mike Baranski on Sep 11, 2017 3:03:25 PM

Biofiltration, Solid Scavengers, and Carbon Adsorption 

In a previous article about wastewater treatment plant odor control, we examined the role of wet scrubber systems in the mitigation of foul and hazardous fumes associated with hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S). In this installment, we turn our attention to three additional vapor-phase odor control technologies. 

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Topics: carbon adsorption, biofiltration, solid scavengers, wastewater treatment plant odor control

Tips For Handling Coated Metal Fume Exhaust Duct Prior To Install

Posted by Mike Baranski on Aug 17, 2017 2:47:06 PM

How To Properly Store and Handle PSP® FUME Exhaust Duct For Optimal Performance

Proper shipping and handling of PSP®  fume exhaust duct is essential for successful installation and optimal performance. Because its interior surfaces are protected with a revolutionary fluoropolymer barrier coating, proper care must be taken to protect this coating from being damaged during shipping, moving, and installation.

The guidelines below will help to ensure that your PSP® fume exhaust duct will serve its lifetime intended purpose; far outlasting any other corrosive fume handling products out there.

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Topics: fume exhaust duct

Public vs. Private Wastewater Treatment Facilities

Posted by Mike Baranski on Aug 15, 2017 1:29:34 PM

Key Debates In The Privatization of Wastewater Treatment Facilities

The privatization of wastewater treatment facilities has been increasing over the past several decades. As financial considerations reign supreme, municipalities are looking into full privatization as well as public-private partnerships. 

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Topics: wastewater treatment privatization, wastewater treatment plant odor control

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