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Exential Process Exhaust

Tips For Handling Coated Metal Fume Exhaust Duct Prior To Install

Posted by Mike Baranski on Aug 17, 2017 2:47:06 PM
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How To Properly Store and Handle PSP® FUME Exhaust Duct For Optimal Performance

Proper shipping and handling of PSP®  fume exhaust duct is essential for successful installation and optimal performance. Because its interior surfaces are protected with a revolutionary fluoropolymer barrier coating, proper care must be taken to protect this coating from being damaged during shipping, moving, and installation.

Fluoropolymer coated stainless steel vent pipe

The guidelines below will help to ensure that your PSP® fume exhaust duct will serve its lifetime intended purpose; far outlasting any other corrosive fume handling products out there.Shipping & Handling

Vent Pipe Installation and Assembly Guide

 Be sure to transport all fitting and control devices to the installation site with all packaging intact. All PSP® products and fittings are shipped with poly sheet over the ends to help prevent contamination and protect the exposed outer surfaces of the flanges.

Pallets and crates containing PSP® product should not be moved when the bolts securing the product to the base have been loosened or removed.

Keep all coated surfaces protected up to the point at which the gasket is installed before final fit up.

Safe Transfer

Pallets are constructed to be lifted by a forklift with fork extensions that are long enough to span the entire skid when lifting from the side, or extend at least 60% of the length of the entire skid when lifting from the end. 

If such equipment is not available, then pallets, skids, and/or crates may be moved by cart, or by careful dragging on a level surface.

If it is necessary to move larger pieces by hand, be sure to roll them on the angle rings to protect the coated flange faces from abrasive surfaces.

When lifting, all fittings and vent pipe should be uniformly supported to prevent bending of flanges, denting and scratches to the duct work, and racking of control devices.

Storage & Staging

 If possible, store PSP® coated vent duct in an enclosed space, where there is reduced potential for damage from traffic or debris. 

 PSP® must not be stored on its flanges without some type of protective material (pallets, corrugated cardboard, styrofoam or similar material) on the coated faces.

PSP vent pipe storage.png

 When all packaging is removed, avoid direct contact of the flange coating with asphalt or concrete.

 PSP-EZ® duct is shipped with gasket tape material pre-installed at the factory. To prevent possible damage to the gasket and the backing rings, this duct should always be staged or stored vertically. Since EZ duct joints use backing rings rather than stronger companion rings, the duct can compress out of round with moderate force which could cause the backing rings to become detached from the gasket tape. 

Click here for more information about Fab-Tech's PSP-EZ® Duct.


Topics: fume exhaust duct

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