Leading wastewater treatment facilities ARE Using PermaShield Pipe
Many modern wastewater treatment facilities are moving away from traditional fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP duct) and employing PSP® odor control exhaust duct instead. Through informed research, facility owners and engineers are learning that PSP® delivers superior performance, superior labor savings, superior safety, and lower maintenance than FRP duct.
In our last blog, we covered how PSP® coated stainless steel duct is far superior to anything currently on the market, and how extensive testing of its proprietary coating demonstrated exceptional performance in fume exhaust applications.
Fab-Tech pioneered the concept of coated stainless steel exhaust duct with the introduction of PermaShield in 1991. This product line is a fully engineered fume exhaust duct system that combines the structural integrity of stainless steel with the superior corrosion resistance of a fluoropolymer coating.
Exhaustive tests of virtually all duct coatings available confirmed that this revolutionary barrier coating formula has much better adhesion and permeating resistance than standard ETFE or ECTFE. Problem chemicals that are safely and easily handled by PSP® include hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, ozone, sulfuric acid, sodium hypochlorite and methane to name a few.
View our chemical compatibility charts here.
Today, a growing number of wastewater treatment facilities are utilizing this product and taking advantage of its benefits.
King County Brightwater
King County Brightwater was completed in 2011 and is currently servicing 36 million gallons per day (mgd) and has future plans for an additional 18 mgd of capacity.
King County, along with the firms of CH2M and Brown & Caldwell worked to incorporate some of the most innovative wastewater treatment technologies available into their community-oriented Brightwater treatment facility.
They wanted the wastewater treatment systems, bio-solids production, advanced treatment for reclaimed water uses, odor control systems, and overall design to be architecturally compatible with the surrounding environment.
Today, the facility hosts tours for local residents, weddings, and officials & students. They embrace the public on a regular basis to help educate about the importance of water treatment facilities and the impact that they have on the quality of life for all.
After years of operation, one of the facilities managers was recently quoted as saying “...PSP® is performing and looks as good as the day it was installed.”
D.C. Water & Sewer Authority
D.C. Blue Plains is the largest wastewater treatment facility in the world. D.C. Water utilizes some of the most advanced treatment systems to provide water and sewer/wastewater treatment to some 600,000 residents, 17.8 million annual visitors and 700,000 people that work in the District of Columbia.
This facility also treats wastewater for another 1.6 million people from Maryland and Virginia.
The advanced nitrification/denitrification and filtration process can handle a capacity from 370 million gallons per day up to a peak level of more than one billion gallons per day. Through a $10 billion Capital Improvement Program, D.C. Water & Sewer Authority is quickly distinguishing itself as a global leader in wastewater treatment.
This summer I sat down with one of the general contractors, Project Superintendent Pete Mecca of Ulliman Schutte Construction, and here's what he had to say...
“Sound exhaust system with easy installation... joint gasket applied without issue and no detectable leaks have been found.”
Fab-Tech focuses on full customer support for each project, and when asked about delivery performance, Pete said “deliveries have been right on time and when the inside sales team give a delivery date, they hit it.”
These are just a few examples of our growing list of satisfied customers and the cutting edge facilities that are turning to PSP®. These clients have quickly recognized the advantages of using PSP® over FRP duct.
If you would like to learn more about these advantages, please feel free to download our general information guide below:

Click here to learn more about PSP® in wastewater treatment odor control applications