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Exential Process Exhaust

Vent Duct Installation: How To Install 4-14 Inch Diameter PSP-EZ Duct

Posted by Mike Baranski on Oct 24, 2017 4:24:34 PM
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4" - 14" PSP-EZ Duct Installation

PSP-EZ Duct Installation-Strength.pngTime is money, and when you're in the midst of a vent duct installation or overhaul, reductions in installation time can have a significant impact on the total cost and ROI of your project.

Fab-Tech's PermaShield Pipe (PSP®) is already known to reduce installation labor by a significant margin, but there's an even faster and easier installation option that's available for those who specify PSP-EZ™ duct. 

When you specify PSP-EZ™ for a system joint, a single fastener and band-style clamp configuration is employed in place of companion angle rings with multiple fasteners. The EZ-Clamp joining mechanism provides safe, reliable joints without sacrificing system flexibility or integrity. 


PSP-EZ™ duct is available in diameter sizes from 2” to 14”. The standard configuration varies on 2" - 3" and 4” - 14” duct sizes. This blog covers the 4" - 14" duct installation process.

4” - 14” diameter PSP-EZ™ duct is manufactured with duct flanges, floating EZ backing rings and single fastener band style clamps (Figure 12). These clamps are specifically designed to provide a minimum compression load to the gasket of 900 PSI.

PSP-EZ Duct Installation 4-14 Inch Configuration and caption-1.png

4” - 14” PSP-EZ™ duct and fittings are shipped with gasket tape applied at the factory. The gasket material (PermaShield Gasket) shall be a form in place, fully expanded 100% PTFE joint sealant. Each joint requires gasket tape on both mating duct and/or fitting flanges. 

Vent Pipe Installation and Assembly Guide

It is important not to substitute any other gaskets! Substituting other gaskets will void the warranty of the product. If a PSP-EZ™ joint is disassembled for any reason, the PermaShield Gasket will be considered disturbed and must be replaced.


  • 7/16” Box wrench
  • Low torque power driver
  • 7/16” Deep socket driver
  • Calibrated torque wrench
  • Lint free cloth
  • Locking pliers


1) Install Gasket - If the duct or fitting joint already has gasket tape applied, skip this step.

To begin, slide the backing ring firmly against the flange. Next, apply the PTFE gasket which comes as an adhesive backed tape. 

Applying gasket tape for 4-14 inch PSP-EZ duct and caption.png

Start (A) by applying the tape to the flange surface first at an angle tangent to the duct opening. Firmly press the tape onto the flange. There will be enough width to the tape so that you will be able to press the tape onto the back side of the backing ring.

Holding the end of the tape firmly in place, continue applying the tape (B) by pulling and tacking it along the edge of the backing ring.

To complete this process, (C) overlap the tape ends ½” to 1”. Then go back and firmly press the tape onto the flange and backing ring to guarantee complete adhesion. The gasket tape has a secondary function to help hold the backing ring firmly against the flange. 

Make sure that at least 80% of the flange surface area is covered with the sealant tape (Figure 13).

2) Bring Flanges Together

Carefully bring together the two flanges to be joined. Duct support hangers are the best method for aligning duct prior to installation. Secure this positioning using special locking pliers (Figure 14).

Duct alignment for 4-14 inch PSP-EZ duct installation and caption.png

3) Install Clamp

Using both hands, open the clamp and carefully slip the clamp onto the backing rings so that the “V” shaped groove in the clamp accepts each round surface of the backing rings.

When the clamp is fully engaged around the entire circumference, insert the clamp bolt through the carrier and start the lock-nut on the bolt.

4) Tighten Clamp

Using a 7/16” wrench or low torque power driver, tighten the clamp by tightening the nut on the clamp fastener until the clamp just starts to grip the gasket. Although this method of joining duct is self aligning, visually inspect the joint to ensure proper alignment of the flanges and proper seating of the backing rings in the clamp. Remove the locking pliers. Tighten the clamp until resistance to further tightening is felt.

5) Torque Bolt

When satisfied with the alignment, tighten the clamp bolt to the specified torque with a calibrated wrench (Figure 15).

Hardware size and torque specifications for 4-14 inch PSP-EZ duct installation and caption.png


The EZ-Camp system is FM 4922 approved and is ideal for tool hook-up and drain line use. The combination of half round backing rings and the unique angled clamp band provides excellent clamping force with the added benefit of ease of installation.

PSP fume exhaust duct installations require half the labor of FRP system installations, and unlike FRP and "glued" plastic systems, there is no need for grinding, sanding, prep work or the use of malodorous epoxies and heating blankets; which is especially important when installing in clean room settings.

Using the EZ-Clamp joining system can save an additional 40% in labor over other PSP® joining systems. EZ- Clamp duct and fittings have the ability to be field modified and the stainless steel exterior will never need painting.

For more information, please download our PSP® Vent Duct Installation and Assembly Guide.


View Our PSP-EZ Duct installation video below. Please note, our 16" and 18" diameters are no longer available.


Topics: PSP-EZ duct installation

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