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Exential Process Exhaust

Cutting Edge MIT Nano-Lab Design Merges Function and Safety

Posted by Mike Baranski on May 22, 2018 10:59:09 AM
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PSP® Enhances lab Safety in State Of The Art MIT Nano-Complex

MIT is currently constructing a 200,000 square foot center for nanotechnology and nano-science at their campus in Cambridge, MA. Nicknamed MIT.nano, the facility will follow an open lab design concept to bring faculty, researchers and students together on a grand scale of collaboration. 

MIT clean room PSP overhead exhast duct systemThis cutting-edge complex coincides with laboratory trends at universities across the globe, wherein campuses are embracing t
he development of state-of-the-art research centers which leverage the abundant intellectual resources of the student body and the willingness of schools to fund them.

MIT.nano answers the call from faculty and students alike, enabling them to advance their research, education, and careers, all while working with the latest nanotechnology in a highly-functional, modern and open lab design.

This building consolidates all nano research into one facility and allows a collaboration of the science and technology program bases to develop future pioneers in solving some of the world’s most serious problems.

Lab Safety In Mind

Many of the chemicals used in nanotechnology are hazardous in nature and require the highest level of protection for faculty, staff, researchers and students. Dependable fume exhaust ventilation is required from the clean rooms, laboratory fume hoods, gas cabinets and any other associated lab equipment that uses poisonous, corrosive, and/or otherwise toxic substances. 

Here, Fab-Tech Inc. offers the highest level of protection the industry can offer with the use of PSP® PermaShield Fluoropolymer Barrier Coated Stainless Steel Exhaust Systems.

According to rigorous tests, PSP® fume exhaust duct safely handles over 400 chemical applications, and surpasses recommended ASTM-E84 standards with a Zero flame spread and less than Twenty smoke generation rating. These numbers eclipse the 25 flame spread and 50 smoke generation limit that is listed under this test for a Class 1 fire rating. 

PSP® PermaShield is the global leader in corrosive fume exhaust and continues to lead the way, protecting our current and future leaders in science and technology. 

If you would like more information about PSP® corrosive fume vent pipe and duct, please feel free to download our general information guide below:

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Read More About PermaShield Fluoropolymer Coated Fume Exhaust Duct Here

Topics: fume exhaust duct, lab design, lab safety

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