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Exential Process Exhaust

Can You Join PSP® To FRP Duct?

Posted by Mike Baranski on Oct 19, 2017 2:21:47 PM
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How To Join Psp® To DisSimilar Materials Like FRP Duct

There are many process facilities that require specialty exhaust duct systems to handle their process fume exhaust. Where a facility is expanding or a section of vent duct needs to be replaced, it is often the case that customers would like to upgrade to FabTech's PSP® to replace weathered and corroded components in their non-PermaShield system.

PSP and frp duct at Brightwater WWTP

To put to rest any notion that this presents some kind of engineering challenge, this brief article demonstrates the ease and compatibility with which PermaShield Pipe can be connected to dissimilar materials like FRP duct.

Key Considerations

When joining dissimilar fume exhaust products into a unified working system, it is important to be aware of the respective capabilities of the different materials prior to making any customized fitting or joint attempts. 

With that in mind, connecting PermaShield Pipe (PSP®) to dissimilar materials, like FRP duct, should present no issues provided that they are handled correctly and measured properly. 

Vent Pipe Installation and Assembly Guide

Flanged Joints:

In almost all cases, a flange can be added to products that are already in use in a vent pipe installation. The wall thickness of various products being joined may vary, but, fortunately, Fab-Tech can manufacture a matching joint with minimal information.

The minimum information required by Fab-Tech to manufacture a compatible joint is the inside diameter (I.D.) of the existing duct, and the inside diameter (I.D.) and outside diameter (O.D.) of the flange where PSP® is to be attached.

Flanges come in many different ratings and styles. When arranged by the buyer, Fab-Tech will make sure that the bolt hole circles match by providing a flange fabricated to the buyer’s exact specifications (Figure 1).

Measuring guideline for flanged vent pipe installation.png  Figure 1. Measuring for flanged joints.

Unflanged Joints:

For the purpose of being used in a simple male or female joint, Fab-Tech can manufacture a fitting with a specified outside diameter (O.D.) or inside diameter (I.D.).

The PSP® fitting will have either one end with an outside diameter which will be equal to the inside diameter of the “existing” duct (male to female), or an I.D. equal to the O.D. of the “existing” duct (female to male fitting).

If the “existing” vent pipe is FRP duct, follow the procedures outlined by the FRP manufacturer for this type of connection. The one exception that PSP® should not have any end and/or coating roughened (Figure 2).

Measuring guideline for unflanged vent pipe installation.png Figure 2. Measuring for unflanged joints.

If you would like more information about PSP® corrosive fume vent pipe and duct, please feel free to download our general information guide below:

Corrosive Fume and Odor Control Exhaust Duct Information Guide


Read More About PermaShield Fluoropolymer Coated Fume Exhaust Duct Here

Topics: frp duct, fume exhaust duct

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